Culture recommendations
Optimal conditions Unfavorable conditions
Adaptability + + + + + + + +
Density (Pl / m²) 6-6500 5.5-6000
Best performance can be achieved with early sowing. The very good agronomic profile gives security even on terrains with an increased presence of diseases. Clearfield Plus technology increases the spectrum of weed control
Product id
FloweringMedium early
MaturityMedium late
Type of oilinessLinolov
Plant growth High
Shape of the pit Convex
Position of the combSlanted
TKW53 – 59 years
Oil content44 – 49 %
Sum of temperature (based on 6 °)
Initial development7
Lying down8
Drought tolerance9
Blue WristE
1-3 sensitive | 4-6 average-good | 7-9 acceptable – excellent
Disease resistance
Sclerotinia (pita)8
Sclerotinia (stem)9
1-3 sensitive | 4-6 average-good | 7-9 acceptable – excellent