Foliar selective systemic herbicide designed to control annual wheat weeds.
It decomposes completely and does not threaten the next crops in the crop rotation.
ACTIVE SUBSTANCES: 75 g/l fenoxaprop – p-ethyl + antidote
FORMULATION: Emulsion, oil in water
ADVANTAGES: Selectivity to wheat and barley. The product is quickly absorbed by the leaves. Rain falling two hours after treatment does not reduce the herbicidal effect of Imaspro 7.5 EU. Controls wheat weeds to the second knee. It decomposes completely and does not threaten the next crops in the crop rotation.
The active substance of Imaspro 7.5 EU stops the assimilation processes of sensitive weeds. As a result, longitudinal chlorosis first appears on the leaves, and then anthocyanin staining. All this leads to stopping the competition of weeds with the crop in terms of water and nutrients. Depending on the climatic conditions, the weeds die within 12-18 days.
High air humidity and optimal temperature are factors that provide a better effect for the destruction of weeds.
Recommended working solution: 20-30 l/ha.
Do not mix with hormone-like herbicides.
It can be mixed with most of the plant protection products used in practice.
Given the multitude of formulations, it is good to do a compatibility test between the individual products before mixing.
Wild oats (Avena fatua) Balur (Sorghum halepense) from seed and rhizomes
Chicken millet (Echinochloa crus-glili) Kestrel (Apera spica-venti)
Blood millet ( Digitaria sanguinalis) Dogwood ( Setaria sp.)
Foxtail (Alopecurus myosuroides)
RESISTANT WEEDS: Ryegrass (Lolium sp.)
Culture Dose vs. Time of Application
Wheat and Barley 100 ml/ha wheat weeds Apply from phase 3 leaf to the end of wild oat germination