Vegetative herbicide for control of broadleaf weeds in sunflower hybrids tolerant to EXPRESS™ 50 SG.
CULTURE Sunflower – hybrids tolerant to Express™ 50 SG
PEST Annual and perennial broadleaf weeds
DOSE 4 g/acre + 0.1% Trend® 90
APPLICATION Vegetationally, in early phases of the development of
the broad-leaved weeds, after the 1st pair proper
sunflower leaves
CAR. TERM 30 days
Herbicide from the sulfonylurea group. Express™ 50 SG is mostly absorbed by the leaves and quickly moves throughout the plant. Weed growth stops a few hours after treatment, but visible symptoms appear 5-10 days later. Complete death of weeds occurs in 15-25 days.
To achieve maximum effect, Express™ 50 SG should be applied in the early stages of actively growing weeds. Recommended volume of the working solution – 20 – 40 l/ha. The addition of Trend® 90 – 0.1% adhesive to the working solution of Express™ 50 SG significantly improves the herbicidal effect of the product, especially when weeds are inhibited by drought, low temperatures or other stress factors or in weeds whose surface is difficult to wet due to presence of hairs or waxy coating.
Successful control of persistent annual and perennial broadleaf weeds such as bonito (Cirsium arvense), tatula (Datura stramonium), buttercup (Xanthium spp), black dog grape (Solanum nigrum), white dogwood (Chenopodium album), wild hemp (Cannabis sativa ) and others in sunflower hybrids tolerant to Express™ 50 SG.
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE 500 g/kg tribenuron-methyl
FORMULATION Water-soluble granules (WG) based on new SX™ technology
USE CATEGORY Second professional
100 grams (1 kg of EXPRESS™ 50 SG is available with 5 l
Trend® 90 FREE!)
HRAC Group 2