A systemic, selective, broad-spectrum herbicide for the control of the most common broadleaf weeds.
CROP Maize, sorghum and sweet corn
PEST Annual broadleaf and some cereal weeds
DOSE 20 ml/ha
APPENDIX During the vegetation in early phases of the crop from the 2nd
up to the 6th open sheet (VVSN 12-16)
CAR. TERM Corn, sorghum: None
Sweet corn: 42 days
Border™480 SC is a systemic herbicide that is rapidly taken up by the leaves, stems and roots of sensitive weeds. Unlike typical foliar herbicides, Border™480 SK controls emerging weeds over a long period of time.
Visible symptoms (whitening of leaves) are noticed up to 5-7 days after treatment, and weeds die after 14 days.
The volume of the working solution (from 8-40 l/ha) must ensure complete coverage of the culture. To improve the herbicidal effect, the addition of an adhesive is recommended. Maximum application dose – 30 ml/ha.
Border™480 SC excellently controls some of the most important annual broadleaf and some cereal weeds in corn, such as ragwort, ragweed, loboda species, tatula, galinsoga, pacha grass, sunflower, black dog grape, annual ranifolia, butrak, etc.
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE 480 g/l mesotrione
FORMULATION Suspension concentrate (SC)
USE CATEGORY Second professional
1 liter (Border™480 SK is available in a pack only
with Intel™ and Trend® 90)
HRAC Group 27