About us

The company was established in 2017. of 2 agronomists and since then has been successfully fighting its major competitors with prices, fast and quality service, as well as with quality consulting. The headquarters of the company is located in Razgrad, where we offer on-site consultations, delivery of seeds, preparations for plant protection and various types of fertilizers.

Why choose us?

We are farmers and cooperatives engaged in farming and using plant protection products, fertilizers and seeds. Our goal is to provide a quality product to the market to satisfy the needs of our customers.ачествен продукт на пазара, с който да удовлетворим нуждите на нашите клиенти.

This website was created under project BG-RRP-3.005-2099-C01 “Solutions in the field of information and communication technologies and cyber security in small and medium-sized enterprises”, implemented by Agro Ar 1 OOD and with the financial support of the Recovery and Sustainability Mechanism under the economic transformation program to the “Intelligent Industry” component of the National Recovery and Sustainability Plan.